My first week at Geoson solutions!

Having completed my first week at Geoson solutions as a Software Developer has been a great experience!

Having completed my first week at Geoson solutions as a Software Developer has been a great experience!

My main task so far was to familiarize myself with Microsoft Dynamics GP and GP Power tools. This involved getting help from Sonny and Dawn as well as using the tutorials provided by David Musgrave on GP Power tools.

The fist week has covered learning the basics of the application and what it was used for. From there I was given a small training task which was to create the custom field customer type on the customer sales form. This involved learning about creating custom fields, learning the various datatypes and how they are stored, as well as learning how triggers functioned and how to set them up. I learned about the syntax of Dexterity and sanScript (the scripting language utilized in the triggers) as well as how to use the various helper functions provided by GP Power Tools. Part of my challenges have bee resolving various types of incompatibility errors. When I had initially attempted the task as I had used the drop-down menu, which I learned from Sonny stores the state as an integer. This gave me the information I needed to resolve the issue and completed the task.

Looking forward to my future weeks where I will be learning custom forms and begin assisting Sonny with a client next.

#dynamicsgp is going full steam ahead with GP Power Tool by Winthrop Development (